Main Office
118 Church St
Brownsville, PA 15417
Main Parish Phone Number: 724-785-7781
Main Parish Fax Number: 724-785-0844
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Bulletin Deadline
Bulletin items must be submitted by Monday at Noon. Please email the parish secretary.
Father Efren Ambre, Pastor
[email protected]
Business Manager: Ms. Tiffany Zetty
[email protected]
Parish Secretary: Mrs. Kelly Startare
[email protected]
Regional Director of Faith, Family & Discipleship: Mr. Scott Martin
[email protected]
Custodial Services: Mrs. Tina Konter
Maintenance: Mr. Joseph Savage
St. Mary’s Social Hall Manager: Mrs. Janet Komacko
Religious Education: Mrs. Nikki Harvey
Baptism / Confirmation Prep: Mrs. Patty Craig
RCIA: Sister James Ann & Dr. Melvin Sally
Organist: Ms. Marilyn Smargie